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Nightly Reading Journals:

Your child will be able to borrow a classroom book each night to bring home. These books very from picture books to chapter books. Please have your child read 20 minutes every night and document the reading in the journal. I will model what this should look like with the students the first few days of school. Question stems will come home in your child's Communication Binder. Your child will be expected to complete one written response by the end of the week. This will increase as the year goes on.


Un-homework is the homework system that will be in place this year. Research increasingly shows that too much homework in the early grades has negative results and most of the time is not hands on. The recommended amount of homework for elementary students is 10 minutes per grade level (20 minutes per night); most K-2 students (on average) receive almost 3 times this much!










Un-homework is a homework alternative that allows students to have choices and responsibility for their own homework. It allows: 

- student choice (un-homework is not graded or mandatory)

- Incentives (students are not punished for not doing homework; in fact, they earn chances for rewards by choosing to do the work)

- Saves time (choices offered are brief, hands-on, explorations that will eliinate frustration and encourage empowered learning!)


The System:

1. Students will receive 5 choices per week













2. Students can choose 0-5 choices per week to complete. Each time a choice is completed, he/she fills out a raffle ticket along with parent initial.









3. Students will bring in all raffle tickets every Monday to be entered into our Learning Lotto. 










4. Winners pulled will roll dice to choose from the prize menu every Monday.















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